Diamond the shiniest candidate
In the race for governor this November, Ed Rendell and Lynn Swann favor containing a property tax system that is rotten to the core, and will continue to steal peoples’ homes and most of all of their equity. Russ Diamond, the founder of the CleanSweep movement that helped convince 31 legislators to retire, and defeated 17 more in the 2006 primary, strongly supports abolishment of all property taxes. It’s time for the citizens who are sick of assessments and reassessments, and tired of renting their homes to their school board, county and municipal governments, to put aside party affiliation, and work for the election of independent candidate Diamond. He is the homeowner’s best hope to abolish property taxes on your homestead/farmstead.
Those interested in learning more and those interested in helping Diamond secure enough signature on his nomination petitions so his name will appear on the November general election ballot can e-mail him at begin russ@russdiamond.org russ@russdiamond.org end
or write to him by postal mail at P.O. Box 2216, Philadelphia, PA 19136.
Alene Bednar
Ford City