Improvements questioned
This is response to the letter “Send Hardy a thank-you card.” I think the man gets too much praise – every parade, anything, there he is. Myself, I don’t want to see him. I go to see a parade I want to see a parade, not shameless self-advertising. I have grown up around Uniontown all my life and yes it has lost a lot of stores over the years. But really, is what he is doing any better? The only reason he is doing all of this so the precious people who go to Nemacolin Woodlands do not have to look at the “disgraceful looking Uniontown.”
It is not because he cares about Uniontown or the people; he cares about himself and money, that is all. Yeah there are stores in Uniontown now, but who can afford them? Not the normal residents of Uniontown or the areas nearby. Myself, I am waiting for him to want to call it “Hardyville” and what is the sad part? I can see the people of Uniontown and Fayette County allowing him to do it.
Melinda Shaffer