Don’t blame workers
I am writing to appeal to all people. Please do not take your anger out on the workers of companies for whom they work. Companies like the cable, phone, gas, electric companies, and restaurants, just to name a few. These people are merely doing their jobs as they are told. They are expected to do the impossible or perform miracles in their field. They have mediocre supervisors or foremen who do not have a clue of what is entailed in their job. For example, a secretary straight from a typing pool that goes into an outside foreman’s job and has had no training. These companies think more about productivity and numbers than they do about getting the customer service.
Corporate America could care less about their customer, meaning you and me. Its only goal is to fill pockets and it’s not the pockets of the workers. They are greedy and their souls are black.
I get so disgusted when I have to call for a repair and I get put on hold anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes, then I get a foreign voice whom I can’t understand and have to have them repeat themselves, or spell what they are saying, or I get so frustrated that I hang up.
And by the way, corporate America has told these people to lie. One such man gave me his name as Paul. I apologized to him for his company and told him I did not blame him, but the stupidity and ignorance of corporate America to make these people use an American name is down and outright stupid and ignorant. When asked what country they are from, the answer that it is confidential. Another lie; it’s so the people won’t know what country you are getting when calling because Americans are fed up with getting people who can’t speak plain English.
I am so angry by the time someone does come to repair my problem, but I have to remind myself not to take it out on the employee. I tell them I am angry, but I know it is not their fault. Instead, I find out the CEO’s name and address and write him or her what I think. But do they care? No! That’s the bottom line.
So next time you are outraged, try not to take it out on the employee. It’s the employee who really cares about the customers. I know for a fact that in some companies, the workers are actually penalized if they go above and beyond to help a customer. They are hounded and are only expected to stay on the repair for a certain amount of time. It doesn’t matter that your repair requires more time. The companies do not want to hear anything an employee has to say.
So please remember, it’s not the worker, so put the blame where the blame belongs, on the management of the company. Regardless, write that letter to the CEO of that company.
If, by some chance, there is an employer out there that does not fall into this category, may God bless you.
Diane Ryan