Soldiers praised
I just returned from Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri where we attended my sons’ basic training graduation. While there, we signed out one of his friends and took them out for a meal. The young man with us informed that I didn’t have to pay for his meal as I am a taxpayer and he is now employed by the U.S. Government, therefore I was already paying for his meal. How refreshing! After last years’ debacle with the Pa. Legislature, Judicial, and Executive branches and other public employees whining and crying about how under paid and overworked and unappreciated that they are.
Let me assure you that there are probably very few in this country who are more overworked, under paid and unappreciated than a private in the U.S. Army, especially while in boot camp.
Perhaps it would be better for us and our legislators if they had to get up at 5 a.m., clean their area, do P.T. then have 20 minutes to eat. Then go out and do a full days battle training with only two more 20 minute meal times then have 1 hour to write letters, shower and relax and be in bed by 9 p.m. If nothing else, we would at least have fitter leaders chiding us for being obese.
As usual, it is the ones who have the least who are the most appreciative of what they have while those who wallow in gluttony and moral decay whine the most.
In response to the complaints by our legislature, “No, I don’t know how tough it is to live on $70,000 to $130,000 per year. However, I am sure that myself and most other people living in S.W. Pa. would certainly love to find out as we make do on a lot less.
I do however get lots of offers from credit card companies, maybe because I try to be fiscally responsible and pay my debts. I certainly wouldn’t extend credit to any legislators here or in any other state. After all, the majority of them are known to be crooks and deadbeats who insist on living beyond their means.
Thomas Jefferson said “I have the consolation of having added nothing to my private fortune during my public service, and am retiring with my hands clean as they are empty.
Incidentally, I gladly paid for the young privates meal.
John Catlett