Daley praised
In last Sunday’s paper, State Rep. Pete Daley was critical of the editorial staff of the Herald-Standard. I, too, am finding fault with the excessive negative editorials. Your editors should count up how many negative articles have been written about our state legislators in recent months. Compare that number to a neighboring newspaper, the Observer-Reporter. I don’t object to debate or voicing your opinion, but I do expect a balance among editorial opinions.
The layout of your Sunday editorial page amused me. Your paper can’t even print an opinion by Rep. Daley without you sandwiching it between two editorials contradicting him. It makes one question the motives of the editors when seeing this layout.
And recently, your paper awarded front page headlines to the Republican challenger to Rep. Bill DeWeese. I couldn’t find anything in the article that made it front page material.
It appears the Herald-Standard is giving DeWeese’s opponent free publicity. Bill DeWeese’s challenger feels that he has not done enough for his district. If Bill’s opponent came to my community of Fredericktown, he would see improvements throughout our township made possible by DeWeese.
In 2003, the Herald published an article about our struggling library. Jo Lofstead, an aide to Rep. DeWeese, contacted our library and asked how their office could help.
Since then, we have received three D.C.E.D. grants which enabled our library to purchase all new computers, workstations, office furniture, fax machine, book drop, and more.
Not only are DeWeese’s staff doing their job, but in this instance, going beyond their duties.
I am still reeling that the Herald printed DeWeese’s staff salaries in attempt to rile the public.
I think it is time that the Herald-Standard to revamp its format and tone of this paper.
The editors transparent attempts of swaying public opinion are not sitting well with this reader and I know of many others who share my sentiment.
Here’s wishing for a return to balanced and unbiased news.
Jennifer Petsko