Lawmakers criticized
What is wrong with you people, namely Paul Sunyak and others at the Herald-Standard even thinking of questioning or criticizing his highness Peter J. Daley Esquire or any other member of the royal family in Harrisburg. After all, the elite people have brought more to Fayette County and Pennsylvania just look what they’ve accomplished in the last 30 years. Bad roads, high unemployment, no job creation, number 48 in job growth, third highest taxes, third highest paid legislators, 30 years to build road from Uniontown to Brownsville, large welfare population, WAM money, kickbacks, corruption, liar’s Etc., Etc., Etc.
So from now on I’m not reading or subscribing to the Herald-Standard. I’ll dare you to question the honesty, or integrity of our elite politicians, after all they deserve everything they can steal because their Democrats or R.I.N.O.’s AKA, Republicans in name only.
Paul Sunyak, you should be ashamed of yourself, you could wind up with a horse head in your bed.
David Gardner