Press government for changes
I’m 60 years old and a Fayette County lifer. I’ve seen a lot of changes here during my 60 years and most of them not real positive. So here goes: What can we do when our state police are under-staffed and over-worked, with no police force for South Union or North Union townships to back them up? What can we do when our elderly are hurt by the government they supported and paid into all their lives? They face a choice daily: eat and pay bills, or buy the medicine they need. What can we do when going out after dark becomes an experience in terror and you are run off the road during a high-speed police chase?
I can go on but you get the picture. The world is unsafe, terror-stricken, lawless and vile. Get involved, call your representatives, call your commissioners, call everyone you can think of that can and is duty bound to help and change one small corner of the world – yours!
Don’t be afraid, stand up and be counted. Do something, anything, to make it better.
Roseanne Gaddis