State help for National Guard
As anyone knows who follows the news, American active duty personnel as well as Reserve and National Guard members face severe challenges. The ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as renewed tensions in the Middle East, mean that many of our service members and their families will continue to be called upon to make unimaginable sacrifices. Some of them will make the ultimate sacrifice. The families of service members operate on a daily basis under the stress of not knowing whether a loved one will return home safely.
This being the case, I believe that service members and their families should not be forgotten for the sacrifices they have made and continue to make. While it’s true that this is primarily a federal responsibility, there are state responsibilities, too.
Sometimes, family members fall through the healthcare cracks. For example, if a National Guard of Reserve member has not been deployed for 90 days, and a family member without coverage gets sick, there is no coverage. I believe that coverage should begin from day one, if there is no employer coverage. After all the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard are, defending the nation and allow those employers to earn profits under the blanket of their protection.
I’m happy to report that one candidate I have spoken with agrees with me. John Mikita is that candidate. John Mikita has pledged to fight hard for those who fight hard for us. He truly cares about the people who serve. That’s why I’ll be backing John Mikita in his run for state representative in the 51 District.
Dale E. Coughenour