Health plan means higher taxes
The governor of Pennsylvania recently completed a series of town hall meetings across the state. He was touting his health care plan called “Cover All Pennsylvanians.” How does the governor view health care in today’s marketplace? He stated the current system is not fair, which means he will attempt through legislation to level the playing field, which can only be accomplished by government intervention.
Some key phrases from his speeches include the following: “Executive order by governor, require by regulation, government will set rates, the state will subsidizes, force employers to pay if they do not participate.”
The costs of this plan are $1.5 billion and guess where the money comes from? The governor stated, “We do raise taxes.”
The governor also said that this is not socialized medicine but government will regulate insurance companies and people are willing to pay for universal health care.
Over a period of time the governor has shown a propensity for government to be the answer with all costs borne by the taxpayers.
Election Day has provided us with a finite group of so-called representatives of the people who have taken upon themselves to be the arbiter of the free market.
Individualism has been replaced with collectivism, where equality of outcome is now doctrine to those elected to protect our rights.
Gov. Ed Rendell played his hand when he stated, “Government medicine equals higher taxes, but that’s OK.”
Ed Zadylak