Can’t please all people all the time
I am inane. Before some of you scurry for your dictionary, it means a lack significance, meaning or point. Another definition is silly.
Why do I say that?
Well, if the shoe fits, wear it, right?
A reader sent me the following e-mail about a column I recently wrote concerning chickens. She signed it, but I’m not going to print her name.
Here it is:
“Mr. Pletcher,
“Aaah, you’ve done it again. A few years ago, you wrote an article about how disgusting turkeys are, now we’re picking on chickens. What a sickening and uncalled for story. If you think these are human-interest stories, you’ve got another thing coming!!! Most of your articles are simply a waste of newspaper print. I keep reading them to see if they can get any more inane … and they do. You also print these “bird” stories right before Thanksgiving. Why?? Maybe you could write in detail about the slaughter of Babe or Porky Pig just before folks are ready to carve their Christmas ham!!??
“These articles are very disrespectful, at least to me. Some of your graphic descriptions are hard to get out of one’s head, especially if they are enjoying a piece of chicken at the time. Maybe you could write about your pets, if you still have them, favorite family or seasonal recipes, flu and cold prevention, such as clerks who lick their fingers to count money or separate bags. I’m sorry, but what you write about is simply garbage and of absolutely no interest to myself or others I’ve spoken to.”
I changed nothing in the e-mail, other than to correct a couple of typos and misspelling.
I thanked her for her comments. I should also have thanked her for the compliments in her message. If my writing conveys such graphic images, then I must be doing a pretty good job.
With these weekly columns, I attempt to write about things that aren’t very important. I also try to write about things our readers can relate to. I try to keep it light and never dramatic.
I have found over the years that some readers do relate to subjects I cover in this column, everything from attempting household repairs to moving mounds of snow to eating and cooking and other normal, daily experiences.
In return, I have received many more compliments than complaints. Readers have called, e-mailed and sent me suggestions on how not to hurt myself when I’m attempting a do-it-yourself project. Some have sent their favorite recipes. Others have told me a story similar to one I wrote about.
So, can I argue with this reader who doesn’t care for my columns?
Not in the least. I never pretended to offer life-affirming or inspirational messages, at least not as a rule, and the columns aren’t going to halt world hunger, taxes or war.
They are inane. Sometimes silly.
And, I hope the reader continues perusing my columns to see just how inane I can really get.
Besides, in this business, a reader is a reader, whether they like your stuff or not.
And, just as Mr. Lincoln once said, “You can’t please all of the people all of the time.”
I’m happy if I can please some of the people.
Have a good day.
James Pletcher Jr. is Herald-Standard business editor. He can be reached at 724-439-7571 or by e-mail at