Election is crucial
The election is only a few days away. This is a day that should concern all of us. For me it is a day of hope. It gives us a new chance to speak up and let our voices be heard. This is not the time for apathy and indifference. We need to think of our nation and of the whole world. There are many challenges that confront us.
May this election be a day that unites us as a nation. This will only be possible if we pray like never before and return to the basic faith expressed in our country’s motto, “In God we trust.”
Let us also pray for our two candidates, President Obama with his wife Michelle and Governor Romney with his wife Ann. With whomever wins, we as a nation must strive forward with a new determination not to forget our children, the homeless, the unwanted and all those who are the least of society.
To the candidate that wins the election: know that I will respect you and pray that God will guide you in all the difficult issues that will face you, your family and all of us.
Let Nov. 6, 2012, be a day that we all will remember as setting us onto the right direction for the next four years.
Johann Christoph Arnold
Senior Pastor Bruderhof Communities