Do you think gun laws need to be strengthened?
In the wake of the school killings in Newton, Conn., one year ago, and the shootings at a school in Colorado last week, do you think gun laws need to be strengthened?
“People need to be educated regarding what to do in a ‘shooter’ situation. I saw a government-sanctioned video where a guy hid under his desk with a pair of scissors. That’s awesome. Box yourself in. One of my stepdaughter’s teachers told her class that if a shooter came in they would all go to the back of the room and throw books at him. Again … awesome. Create distance between you and the guy who has a weapon created for distance. My point is that there are so many things that we could do to prepare for a situation like Newton or Colorado, but nobody wants to think about these things until it happens.”
“The laws on stupid people need to be tightened, not guns.”
“No more laws. I think everyone should be taught to carry a gun.”
“I don’t know what the answer is to this violence. Maybe they do need tougher laws.”
“What the MSM failed to report conveniently on the most recent shooting was it lasted 80 seconds because of an armed officer. The coward took his own life. Laws on mental illness. I agree. No more laws on gun control.”
“No. Our problem is that we don’t enforce the gun laws we already have. More laws will only place unnecessary restrictions on law-abiding citizens. Adam Lanza broke dozens of laws when he shot up that school. More laws would have done nothing to stop him.”
“We use the term “gun laws” so loosely. We already have gun laws. How about enforcing them? We have background investigations for those who purchase them legally. How about just enforcing the laws we already have, arrest those who buy or sell guns without a proper transaction, lock up those who use them illegally in a crime, etc? And quit with the political correctness of “gun laws” and jumping on the bandwagon. Enough morons out there to do that for you.”
“I agree with those who state the laws currently on the books need to be enforced, especially the laws concerning those who commit crimes with guns. We do not need more laws that won’t be enforced.”
“Absolutely not! It’s the people, not the guns.”
“I love guns. However, I think there should be more of an extensive background check to buy one.”
“Just laws against stupid people.”
“Why is it that when someone shoots up a school everyone screams for gun control, but when someone bombs the Boston Marathon, no one screams for bomb control, they all blame the bombers? If we want to use the politicians’ logic, then we need bomb control, too. Why is it that only the bombers get blamed? Oh, yeah, there is no money in a war on bombs, just a war on guns.”
“No. Mental health care and the gun laws that we have need to be used. Parents need to teach common sense or learn it themselves.”
“Hmm, maybe if I hug guns tight enough, the NRA can bounce me a check as well.”
“Yeah, everyone needs to carry one.”
“Except those declared [mentally ill], of course, and probably most liberals.”