Woman misses her cats
I am writing this letter as a concerned resident of Fayette County. I received a phone call from very dear friends and former neighbors of Woodlawn Avenue where I lived for 17 and a half years.
They called just to tell me they had just had a closing on their house with the Uniontown Hospital. I was very sad to hear those, because everyone will see another home come down because of a parking lot! I am sad, because I know it was their family home and they lived there for 35 years.
I understand how they feel. I lost two homes to the hospital. One owned and one I rented. In my case I lost more than two homes, something very close and dear to my heart. I’m talking about my cats. I took care of them everyday like they were my kids. No one has any idea how I grieve everyday for my feline friends.
I left Woodlawn Avenue on Dec. 1, 2012, and nothing has been the same since. I can’t understand how anyone can destroy lives, a beautiful street and a neighborhood. I feel they owned the house, but not the contents of the home. I owned everything in the home including my cats.
If anyone has information on my feline friends or adopted cats from the SPCA since Dec. 1, 2012, please call (724) 320-5881. They had no right to take anything within the home. They were considered personal items that belonged to me.
Missy Shaffer
Fayette Count resident