Words from the web
Gov. Corbett signed a bill limiting coverage for abortions under federally run “exchange” programs that will take effect next year as part of Obama’s health care reform. Right now, tax dollars do not go toward abortions. Should they? Or are you glad that laws like this one are on the books?
“Absolutely no tax dollars should go toward this!”
“Abortion needs to be a woman’s carefully counseled decision. The ability to choose should belong to all women.”
“Ooh, we get to decide where our tax money goes, now? That’s great! Can I opt mine out of funding the government spying infrastructure and the multibillion-dollar military-industrial complex, please? I figure if I focus my energy there instead of inside the uteri of mostly low-income women, I might end up avoiding a lot more actual death-funding.”
“Not only would I like to see abortion outlawed, I would like this see any sort of welfare support for the mothers of the children who would otherwise not have been born cut as well. This, combined with the elimination of the minimum wage, will ensure that there will be a large underclass of desperately poor, undernourished and undereducated people willing to work for nearly nothing. This is what will finally allow our masters, The Job Creators, to do what they need to do to put America back on top again.”
“If someone wants to have an abortion, they should pay for it themselves. Period.”
“Do you idiots even understand what this bill’s purpose is? You are complaining as if now your tax dollars will be going towards funding abortions. It’s the opposite. I’m glad that the other side is so well informed that they can’t even comprehend the legislation of which they are in favor.”
“Religion and politics do not mix. What or who said that congressmen, senators or religious leaders have the power or say so on the decisions we as individuals make? We live in a free country, free to choose regardless of our race, religion or sexual preference. As I see it, only the rich have the right to choose, and the rest of us do not. Women beware, only have sex with rich men so they can pay for abortions. Men, have sex with wealthy girls so their daddy can pay for abortions. Gov. Corbett and his Republican-led government must go, and women’s rights must be preserved at all costs.”