Words from the web
State dog wardens are canvassing homes throughout Fayette County to ensure dog owners have current licenses and rabies vaccinations for their dogs. The maximum fine is $300 per violation. What do you think of this effort from the dog wardens? Are your dogs up-to-date?
“Good for them! People should have a license for their pets!”
“He better have a warrant.”
“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated.”
“Will they also be looking for meth labs and prostitution rings and abusive relationships and poor parenting?”
“I better get mine up-to-date. My little 8-pounder could really do some damage should he ever break through our front door.”
“Good, maybe they will rescue some dogs from people who do not deserve them!”
“What about all the cats that run loose!”
“They did this last year and barged into my yard and demanded papers — no warrant, and they were very rude. I think they need to worry about all the stray cats or maybe bigger issues than just dogs without licenses and such.”
“Seriously? Because nothing else is wrong with Fayettenam.”
“I say bring it. I have no worries. My animals are well taken care of, which means up-to-date on licenses and vaccinations.”
“Nice that the warden is worried about this and not about returning calls about a stray wild dog that attempted to attack a child in the area about a month ago.”
“I wish the county would pass a law against having dogs tied outside. It is inhumane and causes the dogs to bark incessantly, ruining the peace and quiet for the neighborhood.”
“Needlessly invasive and a waste of human resources. Haven’t they heard of a database? Maybe they could get a short course from the NSA.”
“Just another example of wasting taxpayers’ dollars. Why not target all the drug dealing that goes on in plain sight. I’ve reported numerous times about drug dealing out of a house, and the police just blow it off like it’s no big deal.”
“I keep my dogs up-to-date for two reasons — if they are lost, hopefully they will be returned, and to prevent rabies as it’s a real threat to your pet if they spend any time outside.”