What’s going on?
In this era of great demand for personal responsibility isn’t it ironic that corporations aren’t held to the same standards.
Mitt Romney once famously said “corporations are people, too, my friend.” So, how can it ever make sense for a company to ask its workers for concessions while its CEO takes millions of dollars in bonus money? How can it make sense for this company to eliminate the promise of retiree healthcare while spending millions more to name a stadium in Cleveland? How can it close two power plants and claim no negative impact on an already fragile electrical grid system? How can it systematically, through attrition, cut its workforce in half and then expect a now aging workforce to cover an ever-expanding territory by resource sharing and still maintain a high quality of response and repair?
Thanks, West Penn Power. Thank you, FirstEnergy. Future reliability requires not only better maintenance, but also a company that supports its workers.
Kevin L Necciai