Words from the web
A recent Gallup poll showed that 30 percent of Americans believe that religion is old-fashioned and out of date, compared to only 7 percent back in 1957. That number is up five percent over the last decade. Do you think American is more or less religious than it used to be and is that good or bad for the country?
“A lot less religious!”
“I don’t know if it’s more religious, but there sure is more religious extremism. Blatant efforts of some to force their religions on others via legislation, etc. I respect the freedom of every person to believe what they want to believe or not believe and to live their lives accordingly, as long as it does no harm to others. But I sure don’t want a government based on a set of beliefs by one religion.”
“Definitely less religious and you see the results of that all around. Much more crime and no respect for each other.”
“It seems a lot of the younger generation doesn’t seem to care about religion, but on the other hand, our church is usually full of people on Sundays.”
“A society that cares aboutQ facts? How is that bad?”
“Beliefs are only relevant if they can be experienced. Anything else is just imagination. This is the problem with religion.”
“I think the religious fundamentalists are scaring people away from religion in general. We see it in our ignorant politicians. It started with Ronald Reagan when he treated religion as a voting block. Religion and politics do not mix well. It is backfiring on the Republican Party now because of how ignorant some of the elected officials are who run on religious dogma. Separation of Church and State…was wise for both our government’s growth and the growth that freedom affords religion.”
“America is still overly religious and, in my opinion, it has blocked or stalled progress at many points even as recent as this year. I have no problem with religion, but it is often used as a citation of moral facts rather than a belief, which it truly is.”