Words from the web
A recent Gallup poll showed that 30 percent of Americans believe that religion is old-fashioned and out of date, compared to only 7 percent back in 1957. That number is up five percent over the last decade. Do you think American is more or less religious than it used to be and is that good or bad for the country?
“Love thy neighbor, but hate the gays, illegals, anyone receiving assistance.”
“Respect for others isn’t rooted in religion. I see atheists who are kind and respectful, and “Christians” who take to ugly name-calling on social media daily. A person’s moral compass isn’t dependent on belief in a greater power.”
“No matter who we are, if one just would surrender all to God, then and only then, can we find the heart of Jesus, who gave all for us. A true Christian does not hate anyone. Some people say they are Christians but do not live the life required to be one. There are hypocrites in all religions and non-religions. The truth is that GOD never changes, man has changed. If you are confused, torn, or don’t know which way to go–ask Jesus to come into your heart and show you the way””
“My problem with religion being involved in our day-to-day interactions and the progression in our country is spelled out perfectly in your comment, “seek the truth.” Truth involves undeniable facts, religion is not truth. It’s this belief that religion is founded in truth, and everything that is not supported by religion is false that makes religion seem outdated and unfavorable to some, myself included.”
“What is to be gained to discuss beliefs about something that cannot be proven? We can discuss the behavior of people based on what they say they believe, but that is also meaningless because we will never know fully why people actually do what they do. Only what they claim.”
“There is a difference between following Jesus and worshiping beliefs about Jesus. One looks to argument, the other looks to action.”
“Religion” can be a problem at times as some of these post point out in an almost cultish way but faith, that’s a much better story. And for those that feel faith and trust in God do not play an integral role in America you just don’t know our history. America is a Christian-based nation and that is what allows all religions or no religion to be practiced freely. God bless America again.”