Words from the web
Earlier this week, President Barack Obama appealed for “peace and calm” on the streets of Ferguson, Mo., the site of violent clashes between police and crowds protesting the shooting death of an unarmed teenager. He was criticized, though, by some for not speaking out more forcefully against the police for shooting the teen while others said he should have been more outspoken against those rioting in the streets of Ferguson. How do you think Obama handled the situation? Should he have taken one side or the other?
“He handled it just fine sending Eric Holder. But, no matter what he does, he will be criticized by those who love to hate.”
“Everything the man does or doesn’t do, he gets hate. It’s sad. He handled it good, I thought.”
“There is no win to be had in Ferguson. No matter what happens a lot of people will be angry. I’m just surprised President Obama got off of the golf course long enough to know what is happening in Ferguson or even Iraq.”
“Why did he speak about this in the first place, Ferguson is not in his jurisdiction? He just spoke to cause more division in this country. What a joke this president is.”
“If he didn’t speak, people would be bashing him for that. Give it a rest.”
“It’s sad when anyone loses a life, but this is how you remember someone who has died? You destroy your own community? That’s a special type of stupid.”
“The issues in Ferguson run deeper than one shooting. It was the catalyst for dissension over a long term systemic problem. This shooting caused the dam to burst.”
“Nothing in the shooting was race related. Once again MSM and race boaters made it that. White or black. The truth and facts need heard before judging anyone. Looting and rioting is just plain stupid. How much did MSM cover the black cop who shot an unarmed white 20-year-old in Utah? No news coverage, no looting or rioting there. Food for thought.”
“Not his jurisdiction? Huh, I didn’t know Ferguson was in another country. Moron.”