Words from the Web 12-02-14
Black Friday is the biggest shopping day of the year. What’s your take on it? Do you enjoy going out and finding that special bargain? Or is it all bit too much, and you’d much rather spend the time at home away from all the crowds? Is it all overblown or is it the real deal?
“I love black Friday. Since stores began opening on Thanksgiving, unfortunately, bigger ticket items seem to be sold then. I refuse to shop until Friday. I had a successful trip this morning!”
“People always whining cause they’re broke and ain’t got a job, then they’re out on Black Friday shopping. Where do people get all this money from to shop…smh.”
“Amazing. We gather with our family to give thanks for everything we have. Little or a lot. Then only hours later we go out and buy a ton of things we don’t need. That doesn’t make sense to me.”
“Competitive shopping is not my favorite sport.”
“I love Black Friday, but not on Thursday night. I enjoy being home with my family making memories and being thankful for each one of them.”
“Never got into it.”
“People rush out to buy loads of cheap crap the day after they’re supposed to give thanks for what they already have. Seems fitting.”
“Small business Saturday. I try to save up my energy for buying local. There are a ton of great antique and craft stores around Uniontown.”
“Everyone’s saying they are just thankful for the things they have but how did you get those things? By shopping. I don’t agree with the Thanksgiving shopping at all, I feel like I want to be home with my family, so I’m sure others do, too. But I enjoy Black Friday and I’ve never been in a scuffle, a melee or anything like it. I’m able to get items that I would be anyway for Christmas gifts at a very reasonable price.”
“Some of us work and save all year for Christmas shopping. Were broke from paying bills and saving money.”