Words from the Web 12-04-14
President Barack Obama is calling for millions of dollars more in federal spending to improve police forces around the country, because of what happened in Ferguson, Mo. He announced spending proposals of more than $260 million for police forces across the U.S. Do you think the country should spend more to properly train and better arm local police forces?
“What does Obama know about being a police officer?”
“My guess would be just as much as he knows about being a law biding citizen or telling the truth, which pretty much amounts to zero .”
“Throwing away money we don’t have at an age old problem we are never going to solve. That should do it.”
“Read the final results of the grand jury in Fergison. You will find a cop that did his job.”
“We need to teach people to get out of the street when a cop tells you to get out of the street.”
“Find the money for cameras. I want to know how and if our civil servants are protecting and serving us. The police should want a record of their actions to protect themselves, as well.”
The Supreme Court is weighing the free-speech rights of people who use violent or threatening language on Facebook and other social media. Do you think those who send threatening messages over social media should be prosecuted the same as those who threaten face-to-face? Or do you think they should be charged to a lesser degree? Should all social media messages and comments be covered under the First Amendment?
“If he said it to her face, if he wrote it in a letter, if he posted it on Facebook, none of that matters. The Supreme Court is going to decide, first and foremost, was his writing a threat? If so, the way it was communicated is not key to this case. He communicated threats about his ex to the public at large. This includes her. He was given a court order to stop all communication or harassment of his ex. He continued to publicly communicate his threats. How he did it is not as important as the threats themselves.”
“A threat is a threat regardless of how it’s communicated. Most people tend to be more earnest with their online words and less likely to say the same thing face to face.”