Words from the Web 12-5-14
A congressman has suggested the U.S. Attorney’s Office look into whether a man believed to be pretending to be an Army Ranger should face federal charges. A video shows Army veteran Ryan Berk interrogating Sean Yetman, a Black Friday shopper claiming to be an Army Ranger at a mall in Pennsylvania. Berk calls out a number of problems with Yetman’s combat uniform and Yetman’s wrong answers to basic questions. There is no evidence Yetman ever served in the military. Do think the man should face charges? Do you think being called out and embarrassed by a true military veteran is punishment enough? Or do you think he should be left alone?
“He should be charged. Impersonating a law enforcement officer wouldn’t fly. This isn’t a game and should be treated as a crime.”
“Being called out and embarrassed isn’t going to stop him from doing it again. He needs to be charged. Next he’ll be appearing at a school wanting to talk to the kids about Veteran’s Day. Who knows what intentions these phonies have?”
“Why do we feel satisfied by having someone punished? Leave it be. Impersonating a police officer is much different because of the civil aspect. Police officers can stop, interrogate citizens, where military cannot. Big difference.”
“He wants to ‘pretend’ to be a Vet, make him man up and serve for real!”
“Are you kidding? He should be charged with stolen valor.”
“Didn’t the courts already rule that people can pretend to be whomever they want and lie about being in the military? Lying is not a crime. It is different if he actually impersonates a police officer and tries to arrest someone.”