Words from the web
With the Republicans set to take charge of the U.S. Senate, one of the first measures expected to be taken up will be a ban abortions at 20 weeks of pregnancy or later, pushing the boundaries of the Supreme Court’s Roe vs. Wade decision. Do you think that would be a good thing or a bad thing. Should abortions be restricted or should current legislation remain as it is now?
“When there’s a will, there’s a way. It will just happen illegally anyway, don’t you think?”
“This is a decision that should be made by a woman and her doctor, not by legislators.”
“I’m not for abortion but this should be decided between a man and wife or a single mother and her doctor.”
“These moron legislators thinking about doing this aren’t doctors.They’re not much at doing the job they were elected to do.”
“The morning after pill is availiable over the counter now in case of accidents or rapes that a woman would rather not report. Not to mention there are so many couples wanting to adopt babies. I do not support abortions in this day and age. My sympathy for an unfortunate pregnancy doesn’t hold a candle to my sympathy for an unborn child. They should have a voice.”
“I can understand people saying its a decision between a man and a woman, but a doctor? An abortion is a business to a doctor who performs them. Life should not be a money motivated decision.”
“Abortion is murder. Ban all of them now.”
“Abortion shouldn’t be an option in this day and age. There are so many forms of birth control available there should be no reason for it. It’s called responsibility and it’s time people start being held responsible for their own actions. If you feel you’re mature enough to have sex. then you should also be smart enough to protect yourself.”
“Since adoption should apparently take care of all these children, then please explain all of the unadopted children in the system. You know the same ones that these same legislators could care less about. How about they try caring about the kids that are born about 1/100th the amount they care about the unborn.”
“I suggest the ones making the comments about adopting please start adopting because there are plenty of children who need it. Until then, shut up.”
“I agree an abortion is a personal and private decision that should not be banned by the legislature. Let the woman and doctor decide.”
“Please don’t assume that abortions after 20 weeks are the result of an unwanted pregnancy (in which case the morning after pill suggestion/discussion is irrelevant.) Sadly, the reality is there are situations where couples, who long for a child, are faced with the painful decision of terminating a pregnancy.”
“20 weeks in is murder.”
“Who elected these Republicans anyways.”