Spanier pay questioned
I was appalled, but not surprised to learn Graham Spanier, the criminally-charged former Penn State University President and multi-million-dollar recipient of compensation and benefits, continues to collect a paycheck from the institution, and that the amount of his continued enrichment is being kept secret by it despite the fact that this is a school which is enriched by the taxpayers of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
The handwriting was on the wall when the University severed ties with former Coach Mike McQueary, who did something to attempt to stop serial child rapist Jerry Sandusky, but maintained an association with Spanier, one of those who is charged with engaging in a sinister plot to cover up Sandusky’s crime spree.
When an individual is accused of having brought disgrace to themselves, entities with which they are associated generally sever ties, at least until such time as the individual’s name is cleared. This is a phenomenon that we are currently witnessing with Bill Cosby, who has quickly become persona non grata despite never having been charged with a crime.
What hold does Graham Spanier have over Penn State such that it has treated him with kid gloves? The continuing link and his pay status are a slap in the face to those who care more about the victims of Sandusky than continuing to feather the nest of an accused felon. The University continues to bring dishonor to itself.
Oren M. Spiegler
Upper St. Clair