Words from the web
The Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday issued a sweeping indictment of the CIA’s program to detain and interrogate terrorism suspects, claiming it violated American ideals by torturing al-Qaida suspects and got little useful information in return. However, others claimed the program played a critical role in dismantling al-Qaida and that the interrogators deserve praise, not vilification. Do you think torture is justified if it helps keep Americans safe? Or is something that never should be used in any circumstance?
“Aren’t we the country that was and is appalled by the torture POW’s faced from WWII until the present day. I’m sure in most cases our guys held out. We’ve made movies about it. I guess there are those among us that think good men like U.S. Sen. John McCain who suffered torture deemed necessary by the North Vietnamese jailers at the infamous Hanoi Hilton to keep their people safe.”
“The only reason this report ‘saw sunshine’ is because the Democrats in D.C. lost so many seats to the Republicans. What happened to Obama’s war cry when he was campaigning in 2008? There are no Democrats, there are no Republicans, only Americans. As an American I say we do whatever we have to do to keep Americans safe.”
“How many died on 9-11. I am sure other countries have tortured too. ISIS just beheads people on video. Bleeding hearts will ruin this country. Obama and his minions trying another divide-and-conquer tact just like their racism divide.”
“All of these stories are diversions (protests, CIA, etc.) so our great dictator can pass his agenda with no one looking.”
“What about all those people in the towers who knew they were going to die a horrible death? I think whatever it took to get information from the terrorists was justified, and the information should not have been released.”
“Torture is not the American way. The old adage “The pen is mightier than the sword” always rings true. Any terrorist criminal detained by the United States is incarcerated anyway.”
“I don’t think they care. They hate the thought of an African-American president so much that facts and reason no long matter. They are brainwashed by propaganda they get from Fox, and they may well be hopelessly lost.”
“America doesn’t torture because we’re supposed to be better than that. We’re supposed to stand up for the abused. Now we’re no better than “them.” hank you Dick Cheney.”