Words from the web
Some say that dogs can’t go to heaven because they don’t have a soul. What do you think? Will Fido join you in heaven or is it all wishful thinking.
“Animals don’t have souls.”
“We honestly don’t know who has a soul, I believe we will be reunited one day with everyone and everything we love now and ever did love.”
“So heaven has 6,000 years worth of ants, fruit flies and spiders. Why do I want to go there again?”
“Fact is everything is made up of energy and you can not kill energy. I also read a lot and in the articles that I have read about adults and children that have died and were brought back all had the same story. They saw relatives that had passed as well as animals. Since your energy still exists after your body has passed it has to go somewhere as well as the animal’s energy.”
“We really have a way of dissecting every single thing that is said, and looking past its true meaning. And anyway, we can argue that there are some human beings that have no soul.”
“Lots of people have had near death experiences and told stories that in no way resemble anything from the Bible – including aliens and even dinosaurs.”
“As for animal going to heaven please remember, you religious types, that you are talking about an all powerful omnipotent god. You don’t set the rules, he does. You don’t read the Bible and say what it means, he does, and even then if he wants to change the rules – blammo – rules changed. Stop limiting you god to your own thinking.”
“I see a deeper soul in my dog’s eyes than I see in many humans!”
“Why would God have had Noah take the animals, two by two, and save them? It also says in the Bible that the lion will lay down with the lamb.”
“My dogs are in heaven and my current one will be there also. Have you ever looked into your dog’s eyes. My dog eyes are filled with a more gentle soul than most people I know.”
“I do believe dogs have souls. Dogs do show love to their kind owners. I have had companions that were dogs, and I know they loved me. Dog owners know what I am saying.”