
Words from the web

3 min read

What’s your preference? Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?

“Merry Christmas on Christmas, the rest of the time Happy Holidays, because there’s more than one holiday celebrated this time of year, not just Christmas.”

“I think everyone should use what they are comfortable using and accept any holiday wish graciously!”

“I say Merry CHRISTmas with emphasis on the CHRIST because CHRISTmas without CHRIST is a mess.”

“That makes you a very special CHRISTian then, doesn’t it?”

“I say “Happy Jesus Christ Day.” I don’t believe in him, but when I see an opportunity to offend cry babies I take it. It makes the season even more special for me.”

“I like it anytime someone says anything nice to me. Wishing me a merry or happy anything makes me feel good, especially from a stranger! Happy Saturnalia Day everyone!”

“Merry Christmas. This day is about Jesus, not a president, not about offending some, just Jesus!”

“That’s just awesome how you wove your hatred of the president into your display of your Christianity. That was really awesome.”

“Say Merry Christmas ti someone you know celebrates Christmas. Say Happy Hannahka to those who celebrate Hannahka. Say Happy Kwanza to those who celebrate Kwanza. If you don’t know what they celebrate say happy holidays. But if I get the holiday wrong, don’t get upset. I’m wishing you happiness.”

“My husband and I are both devote followers of Christ and consider Jesus to be the focal point of our lives. In no way am I offended when someone says Happy Holidays. I use Happy Holidays, I use Merry Christmas, I use Happy Hanukkah. Christmas is not the day that Christ was born. Christmas is not a holiday that is mentioned or commanded or celebrated in scripture. For me to be upset that someone wishes me a cheerful greeting during a “holiday filled” time of year (Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas and new years) would be missing the point.”

“I think the whole fuss over what someone says and the way that someone celebrates their holiday is political. It’s not driven by a passion for Christ or obedience to His Word. Jesus is always the reason I celebrate anything. He is the focus of our entire lives. That’s our choice. Everyone gets to make their own choice. If you want to celebrate Christmas, wonderful! If you want to celebrate another holiday or celebrate this holiday in a way different than my family celebrates, wonderful!”

“Regardless of your beliefs in Jesus, I think this time of the year seems to have a way to touch hearts to be more giving, more kind, more thoughtful of others and those less fortunate. Far be it for me to attack someone who is only offering a kind and cheerful greeting simply because I have some sort of agenda to push or point to prove.”

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year. May we take this time of year to show grace, forgiveness, love and service to our fellow man.”

“Since it’s all about Christ, Merry Christmas is appropriate. However in secular society happy holidays have become more acceptable! As for me, I will be saying Merry Christmas!”


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