Word from the Web 12-29-14
Reports suggest that weather will be much warmer in 2015 than what it has been in the past few decades. If suggestions by climate experts are to be believed, the world climate is now going to depend a lot on how much reduction in greenhouse gas emissions is achieved by global leaders. If nothing is done, those same experts say the world will be led into catastrophe, including surging seas, major food crop reduction and highly unpredictable, severe weather. Do you believe that industrial pollution is the reason for global warming? Or do you believe the rise in world temperature is simply a cycle that has happened to the earth for hundreds of thousands of years? Are you worried about the consequences of global warming?
“Yes, climate changes are cyclical, but how we live on the earth and pollute it had a major effect, which compounds the changes. We are trashing our resources and not conserving, as wisdom would suggest is necessary.”
“Follow the money.”
“I think global warming, climate change or whatever you call it today is a crock. A dream by the liberal progressive Democrats to grab more money off the taxpayers. I thought Al Gore said the ice caps would be gone by now. We would have no snowfall for the ski resorts, and he won a Nobel Prize for that movie based on a lie.”
“Evidence, which many do not understand or want to understand, indicates significant global warming has already started. Can we stop or slow it? Only by acting quickly, which the vested money interests will not allow to happen. They bought the midterm election and won’t let the politicians forget it.”
“So, what I’ve gathered is that either liberals created global warming or God did. Free science books for everyone.”
“I’m not a PhD climatologist, therefore I depend on them for scientific information and predictions. Who do the rest of you listen to?”