Words from the Web 12-31-14
For the second time in two days, a person was shot and killed by the owner while breaking into a home in the area. The first in California borough early Saturday morning and the second in Daisytown Sunday evening. While in both cases it seems the intruder(s) allegedly provoked the shooting, do you think that US citizens are too quick to use excessive force these days or do you believe homeowners are given the right to protect their home and family and should by any means necessary?
“There is no reason for a person to force their way into a home other than to steal and/or do harm to your family. Force your way into my home, and I will defend my home and family with any means I deem necessary, including lethal force.”
“It’s our home. We worked for everything we have. So yea, we are gonna protect our family and our home. You low-life thugs need to go get a job!”
“A few years ago, my wife lets the dog out the back door. When she turns around there is a guy sitting there. She calls me. Gary we have someone on the porch (which is enclosed) I immediately grab the gun. For some reason and I don’t know why, I did not shoot. I’m glad I did not. Why? Because the guy was drunk, kicked out by his girlfriend. He had no idea where he was.”
“I don’t like guns and won’t have one in my house, but I agree with the Castle Doctrine the right to protect/defend your home and family. I don’t like guns but am not anti-gun, they do have a purpose.”
“My house is protected by the good Lord and a gun. Not afraid to use either. will say a prayer for you then shoot you.”
“No. I think homeowners who worked their lives have every right and SHOULD blow a hole into these degenerate wastes of human flesh that think they can take advantage of and kill other people and take their property. They go after the vulnerable population, thinking it will be an easy target — beat, maim, injure and kill elderly people and the unsuspecting. I think it is well deserved that they take a bullet to the face. If they try to enter my home, they will get the exact same thing.”