Reversal needed now
On Wednesday, Jan. 22, nearly 500,000 people came to the nation’s capitol to participate in the 40th March for Life.
While the weather was cold, mostly young high school and college students chanted, sang, prayed and marched in respect for human life, and protested the killing of innocent preborns via abortions.
While President Obama and some others called it a day to reconfirm a woman’s choice, that’s not what Roe vs. Wade said in 1973. And since that Supreme Court decision, over 50 million have been brutally slaughtered by different inhumae procedures such as slicing, cutting, vacuuming and a saline shot to the abdomen.
Are we to be compassionate to women who choose such brutal assualts on innocent preborns, especially when modern technology such as monograms clearly indicate a living person is growing beneath the heart of the mother. Are women really to be known as killers?
Does the Supreme Court ever reverse its decisions? It did for slavery, and it did for prohibition. So why not now to protect the life of innocent preborns. The protection of law is needed by 4,000 preborns daily, and I vote we see this reversal in 2014.
I thank all of you for our prayerful support of our efforts and ask you to join us to educate people and to help us eliminate this tragedy.
The Rev. Joseph Sredzinski