Words from the web
According to a recent poll, 81 percent of the Silent Generation (those who are 69 to 86 years old in 2014) love America while only 58 percent of millennials (18 to 33 years old) feel the same. Do you think the poll is accurate, and, if so, why do you think younger people don’t love America in the same way that older people do? Do you love America?
“Of course everyone loves America, but they do not love what America has become, they do not love it’s failures, and they do not love how we have become so divided as a people.”
“There’s a difference between not liking America and not liking who runs America. We need to overthrow our own government.”
“No, they are imprisoning too many of us.”
“First of all, I love this country. Just don’t like or agree with our current politics being played in Washington and our highest court. Greed and poor decision-making in our Supreme Court and Congress are stripping away what this country was all about. The older generation is too passive, and the younger generation is either spoiled brats or too stupid to realize what is really going on.”
“True we are divided today, by all the political lies being told over and over again. It’s a form of brainwashing, by telling the same old lies over and over until people start to believe it. Important decisions today are based on economics and greed of the wealthy and big business and in some cases foreign governments.”
“The majority no longer is the deciding factor in this country, it’s what’s best for big business and the wealthy. Come this November, we have a chance to fix what’s wrong in this country, by voting out the ones responsible for this country’s sad shape, today. It should be what’s good for the people, not what’s good for business or the wealthy.”
“It’s a cultural shift. Love of one’s country is no longer considered cool or enlightened.”
“I love America.”
“You can love your country and hate it’s government. There is a huge difference between the two.”
“The liberal agenda is what’s killing our country. It’s taken away people’s desire to work hard and become successful. They are ready to blame others and our country for their failures instead of taking personal responsibility for their actions. This country was founded by God-fearing, hard-working people, not lazy do-nothing, depend-on-government-to-take-care-of-me people.”