Words from the web
Who do you like in the Democratic race for governor: Tom Wolf, Allyson Schwartz, Kate McGinty or Rob McCord? Which one do you think has the best chance of beating Gov. Corbett in the fall election? Do you think the campaign is becoming too negative?
“If a candidate spends most of his time taking about someone else, he has nothing important to say about himself. Yet, people will vote for him anyway.”
“This is the first primary election that I know little to nothing about the people that are running. I am not being sent oodles of mail about the candidates but kept waiting for at least an article or two about each candidate and what they hope to achieve if elected. Sure hope whomever gets the support of the Democratic voters gets it together in November.”
“Every candidate makes promises they never keep. They all lie and deceive the public. These people don’t walk on water. I am not thrilled with Corbett, but he is trying to balance the budget left by Rendell, who by the way promised to eliminate property tax when the casinos came into being. People don’t like to hear ‘cuts’ and ‘reduced spending.’ They want their share of the pie and their neighbor’s also.”
“The election is won by the candidate with the most money, so I would have to say Wolf because he has millions to spend on a $187,256 position. So, why does he run? Ask yourself that question before voting on May 20.”
“I keep seeing the Allyson Schwartz negative ad about Wolf. All it talks about is him and mentions nothing about herself. Sadly, they are part of the same party. I am sure the other ones are doing the same thing.”
“Democrats have totally ruined Fayette County. Corbett will win again.”
“Allyson Swartz helped write Obamacare. McGinty was with Al Gore and global warming, It’s got to be Wolf or McCord.”
“They need to take lie machine test to see if they are honest for job or not. Look at Obama. He’s a liar.”
“Corbett will not win again. Some people are smoking some good stuff if they think he will.”