Words from the web
In a major shift from the status quo, two Republicans, Pat Stefano and Ryan Warner, from Fayette County were elected to the state Legislature on Tuesday. It’s the first time since the 1930s that the county will be represented by a Republican in the state Senate. Is Fayette County soon to be controlled by Republicans instead of Democrats like it’s been since the Great Depression in the 1930s. If so, do you think this will be a good thing or a bad thing for Fayette County?
“It’s not about control if the right people are elected. The only agenda should be to work together and move the economy forward. The media keeps trying to make politics as a chess game. Get off of segregation of parties!”
“Let’s just wait and see how they vote and if they support the people or corporations. That will be the ticket.”
“If the wasteful spending on stupid campaign mailers to negatively slam their opponents every single day before the election is any indication of how they will do, I’m not impressed in the least.”
“Oh, well it ain’t gonna be good.”
“Time will tell. Hopefully they will not cater to their own personal agenda and pay attention to what their constituents’ needs.”
“I think Fayette County is tired of being promised the world over the past several decades and want a major change in Harrisburg.”
“We always hope for the best. We’ll see.”
“Unfortunately, it was choosing the lesser of two evils in both races. Not really sure that the lesser won in both races. More unfortunately, only time will tell, and then it may be too late.”
“Time will tell. We allways want it to be a good thing, but I can say that they were not my choices.”
“I sure hope so. We are tired of giving our hard money away to those that choose not to work.”
“I hope welfare reform is on the agenda. Fayette County as well as the state of Pennsylvania is in need of it! I’m all for helping the needy, but there are too many young people who choose not work. Others have children they know they can’t provide for and expect the taxpayer to do it for them.”
“I personally don’t consider myself a Democrat or a Republican. These politicians need to take the same attitude and remember that they work for us. If they forget that, they can be voted out as quick as in.”