Words from the web
Sixteen women have publicly stated that Bill Cosby, now 77, sexually assaulted them, with 12 saying he drugged them first and another saying he tried to drug her. The first black star of a network television drama in 1965 to the mid-2000s, Cosby has been one of the most well-liked and respected entertainers in the business for a number of years. While he’s unlikely to face any charges since the statute of limitations has expired for most of them, what do you think should happen to Crosby? Should he still be allowed to perform? What about TV appearances? Do you believe the accusers?
“What ever happened to innocent till proven guilty. To date I don’t believe he was convicted of anything. People can say whatever they want, now its time to prove it. This society is so quick to judge the accused that they are guilty before even being convicted. The whole reason I got into law was to make sure the innocent are treated fairly and if treatment is needed, they receive it.”
“I always question the fact that everyone jumps on the band wagon when they know they can make money. What ever happened to the statute of limitations?”
“There is a statute of limitations for a reason. Sixteen victims and not one pressed charges? If he did it, and he very well may have, it’s now the fault of the victims for not coming forward, the first being just as responsible for the last 15 as Cosby. At this point in time Cosby should now press defamation of character charges guilty or not.”
“The most recent was 1985. Almost 30 years ago. If it happened, then he has to deal with God on it not the courts.”
“Innocent until proven…”
“The proof is in the pudding!”
“Innocent until proven guilty is a legal term and only applies to the justice system. It has nothing to do with public opinion and you sound stupid saying it on an internet forum. There are no legal charges – stop saying stupid stuff you heard on Mattlock.”
“To believe that 16 women are conspiring against him for money when several clearly don’t need it and a few could actually harm their career by coming out like this is way more unbelievable than thinking that Heathcluff Huxtable is a rapist.”
“When you say these people want money – when did they try and get any?”
“What about the one woman who sued and did get money in exchange for her silence?”
“When the puppeteer who made Elmo famous got accused of the same misconduct – everyone believed it. He lost his job.”
“Now you tell me – if Bill Cosby drugged you in the 80s and raped you – do you think anyone would believe your story? Read the responses here and really think about it – would you come out and say he did it not knowing if anyone else would back you up?”
“Sorry your hero is a scumbag – but he is, and I don’t care if a court says so or not.”
“Nothing surprises me anymore. The women who have made the abuse known have nothing to gain. Money is not the motive. It’s kind of sad to me. Here’s another role model who has abused women.”
“My question is why would anyone wait so many years to report sexual assault? That just does not make sense to me. If it happened why would you not report it right away?”