
Words from the web

3 min read

Do you agree with the decision by a grand jury, which included three black people, not to charge a white policeman for the fatal shooting of an unarmed black man in Ferguson, Mo.? The policeman said he had no choice but to shoot the man after he attacked him. Do you think the shooting was justified or could it have been avoided?

“How can one make any comment without knowing all the evidence and witnesses they saw and heard? We only know what the media releases and we know that is only news and not the truth. If the blacks on that jury agreed-then they must be right. But it only takes 9 out of 12 not to indict? We will never know what they know.”

“The real tragedy is that the blacks have become the whites of the south and use racism to promote lawlessness. For God’s sake, if it weren’t for whites, we wouldn’t have a black president. We will never heal as a nation if the black leaders don’t stop the racist views.”

“Prosecutors in Missouri released the transcripts of the witnesses’ accounts, including Wilson’s. So, yeah, we kind of can know what happened. Unfortunately, we cannot know Michael Brown’s side of the story.”

“Transcripts do not reveal how someone testifies. One needs to see how the person on the witness stand reacts to questions. A jury can see (not read) how a person reacts to certain questions and can then use their common sense to know if that person is truthful. In a trial that is an instruction given to a jury. I cannot reasonably conclude that there was enough evidence to render an indictment. I just need to know if it was a unanimous verdict. If it was, then the evidence pointed to the verdict rendered.”

“First, your question can’t be answered without all of the facts and testimony. Second, eliminate color and after the facts have been disseminated rationalize your comments. Third, what would you have done if you were the cop?”

“All I see is a young man who robbed a store and attacked a police officer who was shot. You and the media assign the race to them. It’s simple. Listen to an officer, don’t steal from a store and don’t hit officers.”

“If Brown robbed the store and if he attacked the cop, do you believe that execution without trial is justice? Considering he was unarmed and the witness testimony doesn’t necessarily agree with officer’s account. Why is that?”

“Until you put yourself in the position of the officer at the moment of the encounter, you will not understand. If at the moment of interaction the office believes he was in fear for his life, the outcome was justified. Hind sight is 20/20, and only available after the incident is over.”

“It is appalling that everyone here defends their freedoms and applauds when other’s freedoms are taken away. This is why we have a judicial system. Remember how you all defended Wilson without hearing the facts and blamed Brown at the same time?”

“How is the violence in the streets ever going to help anything in Ferguson. That’s only going to make things worse for the residents there.”


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