Ambrosini was right about new prison
This is to address the issues regarding the Fayette County Prison plan.
I for one am tired of the petty drama from two of the county commissioners and their cronies. First of all, Ralph and Jerrie Mazza do not represent the Fayette County taxpayers.
They are puppets of one of the county commissioners. You know who it is. If I hear their reference to the prison plan that up until a few weeks ago was backed by Fayette County Commissioners Al Ambrosini and Vince Zapotosky as the Taj Mahal, I will lose my lunch.
Anytime you see a letter or a reference in a newspaper article to the Taj Mahal remember that this is a buzzword that can be attributed to that one commissioner.
Now you are falling back on a study that you ignored in 2006. Why? Oh right, 2007 was an election year and county business had to be put aside so you could run your campaign.
Now all of a sudden Mr. Zapotosky wants the prison to remain in Uniontown. If you are so interested in the taxpayers’ money, why didn’t you express your concerns before $2 million of taxpayers’ money was spent on the project.
Or was this because of your questionable antics regarding the plans you gave to a Morgantown businessman. Last week you went before Uniontown City Council asking for their support. I know the mayor was pleased and stated, “The prison should be in Uniontown, after all we’re the county seat.”
Well, Mr. Zapotosky, is this Fayette County or Uniontown County? If it is Uniontown County, I suggest those of us, who live in the northern part of Fayette County secede and annex to Westmoreland County. Maybe then, we’ll have representation.
Mr. Zapotosky doesn’t want to burden his son with the debt. Give me a break. This is about politics. You don’t care about the taxpayer. All you care about is your payday. You know as well as I do that it has already been stated the efficiencies of the new prison and the saving of housing Fayette County prisoners in Fayette County would pay for the new prison.
Several weeks ago, I read a comment made about the late Sophie Masloff, who served as mayor of Pittsburgh. The person speaking, said in tribute to Mrs. Masloff, that when an issue was being discussed, her first question was always, “What is the the right thing to do.”
What is the right thing to do regarding the prison. Fix the problem with the bubble gum and bailing wire as Ms. Zimmerlink and Mr. Zapotosky propose? I don’t think so. Why had this issue been sidelined for so long? Look at the record. Ms. Zimmerlink is in her eleventh year as a Fayette County commissioner and Mr. Zapotosky is now in his seventh year as a county commissioner. What exactly have they accomplished, other than being sued or suing each other? Not much.
I guarantee that nothing will be done before the end of 2015. I do commend Commissioner Ambrosini for bringing this issue to the forefront in his third year as a county commissioner. He assembled a group of people who had expertise in prison matters.
What experience do Mr. and Mrs. Mazza have in the operation of a prison? I admit, I also have no knowledge of the operation of a prison, but that is why I trust the people who do have the expertise.
I always thought that once the election was over, the county commissioners were supposed to represent all the residents of the county. Well, I got that wrong. Mr. Ambrosini is the only working commissioner we have. The other two remind me of the saying, “When in danger or in doubt, run in circles scream and shout. And you ask, what do you mean? They know they are in danger of losing their jobs and doubt that they can fool the taxpayers one more time.
Between the two of them, Mrs. Zimmerlink and Mr. Zapotosky have wasted 18 years of our time and money.
Bonnie Hamm is a resident of Uniontown.