American dream alive
Ed Nicholson is right. People of all nations, religions and races move to America for the freedoms we have the right to enjoy.
That includes the few lucky ones born here along with the extremely lucky ones who were able to emigrate here. Why do they come here? Some of their homelands were rat holes with no freedoms. Others just wanted to better themselves and their families, which is the American Dream.
The United States of America ( the great melting pot) is the only country where people of all nations are trying to emigrate legally by the thousands and many more thousands illegally. When your refuse to learn English or say I’m a “this” or “that” American with a hyphen it lessens you becoming an American.
Keep your customs in your family and don’t try to force your beliefs/customs on others who have their own. You will always be separated from the rest of the American population as a minority, which you force yourself to become. This will probably cause you to never enjoy the American dream. You will always be “one of them,” instead of an American.
Tom Thompson