ISIS condemned
These are thrilling days for the savages of the “Islamic State.”
Their butchery of innocent hostages has commanded world attention and the media have complied with their desire to receive the greatest possible degree of publicity for their barbaric actions. Who would play into the hands of the murderers by having interest in an Internet video of an innocent person being beheaded?
What could be better for these beasts than having been able to stir the passions of the civilized nations of the world?
They are aggrandized through our referring to them not as a band of murderous thugs, but with the majestic name, “The Islamic State.” They are drawing the United States into a war upon which they will capitalize to recruit new killers. They are humiliating the families of those they are holding, getting them to recognize their power as they make videos pleading for the merciless to show mercy upon their loved ones (something which we know they will not do). They have gotten those being held and the relatives of those who were slaughtered to condemn the “great Satan,” the United States.
Let us hope that the darkness we now experience will precede the dawn and that those who act in contravention to the will of a just and merciful God will soon receive their just deserts.
Oren M. Spiegler
Upper Saint Clair