Words from the web
House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said former President George W. Bush would never have let Russian President Vladimir Putin invade Ukraine. “Even Putin’s smart enough to know that Bush would’ve punched him in the nose in about 10 seconds,” said Boehner. Do you think comments like that are inappropriate coming from the Speaker of the House? Or do you think there’s some truth to the comments? Overall, do you think Bush was a better president than President Obama?
“Bush damaged America more than any former president. We are yet attempting to address that damage. Boehner is a loudmouth who has accomplished nothing in his position as speaker. He’s truly an example of an oxygen thief.”
“What’s Boehner’s excuse for letting Obama get away with everything?”
“Hands down, Bush was a better president. As for the comments, they could have been worded differently and meant the same thing.”
“So, Putin invading South Ossetia didn’t happen?”
“Surprised Bush didn’t respond by invading Japan.”
“G.W. Bush a better president?”
“The only thing Bush would have done is invade Switzerland.”
“I am not into politics and never will be, but my opinion on this is he is a human being and has an opinion just like everyone else who speaks their mind and expresses their feelings or thoughts.”
“Putin is the man. I wish we had a president like him.”
“Bush and Putin are men. Obama is the biggest failure this country has ever seen. He will go down in history as the worst president ever.”
“Anybody is better than Obama! This country has never been in the shape it’s in now. People have lost jobs which in turn has caused them to lose their homes. The big corporations get bail outs and tax breaks, but what do the little people get? Not a thing. When are people going to stand up for the little businesses and give them a little bit of help to get back on their feet?”
“You’re putting the blame on the wrong person. Bush caused all those things you mentioned, not Obama. And if Boehner and McConnell did their job like the oath they took, things would be much better today. But, no, they would rather do anything to make Obama look bad, like shut down the government, which cost us over $23 billion.”