Words from the web
Effective July 1, starting wages at 1,500 McDonald’s-owned restaurants will be at least $1 an hour more than the minimum wage set by local law. Employees up to restaurant managers will get a pay bump, and if they have worked at least a year, they will also receive paid time off. What do you think of the moves? Is it enough or should the company be doing more for its workers? Any concerns the raises will result in higher prices for burgers and fries?
“Congrats to the employees.”
“No doubt prices will go up. I don’t begrudge anyone getting more money, but some employees continually mess up the orders like they don’t care.”
“And some customers are extremely rude.”
“They don’t care because they can get a minimum wage dead-end job anywhere.”
“In recent years the salary of McDonalds’ CEO was tripled to over $13 million per year and prices were unaffected. There was no public backlash. So why would prices need to go up to give a decent deal to those on the front lines who are taking care of the customers and generating the profits? We say we don’t want people on public assistance – then work needs to pay!”
“Bravo! This was beautifully said!”
“Congrats to the employees! It’s about time!”
“It’s a lot more reasonable than $15 an hour. Prices may or may not go up. There has to be a balance. Some employees are lazy and entitled. Others are hard working and underappreciated. If you reward your hard workers. you’ll have happier customers. I think it’s a good move.”
“It’s only the 1,500 corporation-owned stores. None of the 12,000 franchisee stores are doing this as of yet, so I see no prices going up because of the competition and the franchisee McDonalds that stay the same price.”
“I think it’s pretty bad that you get that much money for flipping burgers and people that go to school for a education get a lower pay-rate. This world just is not fair.”
“It is a start.”
“Unless you have worked in a restaurant, you should not judge someone’s job, It is a start. I think people need to work in fast food,even in a restaurant period to be able to say who gets what or deserves what.”
“Congratulations to the employees. They are working and trying to make money to support themselves and some are supporting families. That is something to be proud of. Some people are very judgmental it’s a shame.”