Zimmerlink, Hovanec backed for commissioner
Election Day will soon be here, and I urge all registered voters to go to the polls and vote. If you don’t vote, someone else will choose who is going to head our county government for the next four years.
There are six candidates vying for three seats on the board of Fayette County commissioners. Please do your homework before you go to the polls. Check each candidate’s records, filter out the truth from the falsehoods and vote for the person who will do what’s best for all of Fayette County.
The main issue of this election is the prison. Do we build new or do we renovate the old building? Mr. Ambrosini says we must build new. He has planned and spent money during the last three years and has nothing to show for it. Isn’t it ironic that Mr. Ambrosini spent $2.5 million dollars and now he is telling us that it costs that same amount to run the prison? Since Mr. Ambrosini’s plans were made behind closed doors and in secret, we have no way of knowing the truth. Is this the kind of government we want? Quite often Mr. Ambrosini tells us “he doesn’t need this job,” so let’s send him home to do whatever it is he does. Let’s put someone in his seat that will show up for work and will be honest and forthright with the people.
There are two women on the ballot. Mrs. Zimmerlink is seeking another term on the board. As a regular at the commissioner meetings, I can assure you that she is the only present member of the board who works at the job. She attends all scheduled meetings, and more often than not, she is the only commissioner present. Ask the other two commissioners where they were during the budget process or where they were when interviews were scheduled to fill vacancies on the various boards and authorities? I shudder to think of what condition this county would be in if she was not on the board. She deserves to be returned to the board.
The second woman on the ballot is Evelyn Hovanec, a former Penn State English professor. She is a very intelligent, sensible and progressive person who has the welfare of the county as her main concern. She led the successful battle to stop the prison from being built on unstable ground in Dunbar Township. She will be an asset on the board, setting next to and working with Mrs. Zimmerlink. The two should not be elected just because they are women, but because they can do a better job of moving the county forward.
If you are a registered Republican, you can very easily mark your ballot for Hovanec and Zimmerlink. On the other hand, if you are registered Democrat, you can very easily write in on your ballot the names of Zimmerlink and Hovanec. Your vote will count!
Can women do a worse job of running the county? I don’t believe so and that is why I’m supporting both Zimmerlink and Hovanec. If you want something done and done right, give the job to a busy woman.
Jerrie T. Mazza is a resident of Vanderbilt.