Words from the web
A Republican Missouri lawmaker is proposing restrictions on what people can purchase with food stamps. He’s proposing a ban on people buying cookies, chips, energy drinks, seafood and steak. Federal law currently prohibits people from buying alcohol, tobacco, household items, vitamins and medicines, pet food and hot foods. Do you think the restriction should be tightened? Or do you think poor people already have it tough enough as it is?
“I don’t usually rant on here, but I worked in a grocery store for many years and had a problem with people buying steaks (or whatever else) to feed their animals (dogs) because they wouldn’t eat dog food. I think everybody who collects government assistance (not the people that are collecting Social Security who have worked umpteen years to collect) should go through the same process as someone trying to collect unemployment. People should have to prove that they’re actively looking for employment. There’s no way of “proving” what people are doing with their food stamps.”
“I think they should drug test welfare recipients period. I am a single mom of four on welfare, and I hate the people that don’t use food stamps properly.”
“I hear lots of people saying that they are “single” mothers. Well, somebody had to make that baby with you and daddy needs to pay child support and help with daycare so you can work and not raise your children on welfare!”
“Maybe put a restriction on the amount allowed to be spent on such items. For instance, if a family gets $550 a month in food stamps, allow the $50 to be spent on “junk food.” Why should children not be allowed to have some of the fun foods just because the parents are in a certain predicament!”
“Is there any proof that it costs taxpayers more money if they buy a better cut of meat with their food stamps? They are allowed a certain amount of benefits each month and how they budget that money should be left up to the recipient. If I was a food stamp recipient, I would rather buy generic items to stretch my budget as much as possible but if I was craving a shrimp cocktail for dinner, and since restaurants don’t accept food stamps, I think I would splurge and have a shrimp cocktail and if people on line at the supermarket gave me a dirty look I would say ‘what are you looking at?”‘
“I think they need to stop saying what people can eat and start cracking down on those who don’t use the help the way it’s intended.”
“Ground beef comes from steak. Can they have meatloaf? What about just a burger, beef hotdog? Fish from the sea bad? Can they have fish from a lake or farm raised? Is ordering steak from a dollar meal menu OK? What about ham steak? Is that a no? I have lots of questions.”
“We should deliver food to the dwellings of the needy on a weekly or monthly basis. It is a system based on need, not want. It will create jobs for those in need as well. There will be no selling of food stamps.”
“When I want to help feed the homeless, I get them food or take food to them. If you give them money, they’re just going to buy alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs. Give food, not currency.”
“I hate when those in need make demands. How dare they. Pride is not useful when asking for help. Jesus taught humility; yet I see so little.”
“If you’re on food stamps, and you’re spending $15 a pound on steaks,you’re not worried about feeding your family.”