Words from the web
A Republican Missouri lawmaker is proposing restrictions on what people can purchase with food stamps. He’s proposing a ban on people buying cookies, chips, energy drinks, seafood and steak. Federal law currently prohibits people from buying alcohol, tobacco, household items, vitamins and medicines, pet food and hot foods. Do you think the restriction should be tightened? Or do you think poor people already have it tough enough as it is?
“Go down to Phil’s in Uniontown and watch those hoagies, big bags of chips, super size candy bars and 20-ounce sodas all being purchased with EBT cards. Stop the insanity. Go to the store, buy a loaf of bread and some cold cuts. Make lunch at home, like the rest of us!”
“Shouldn’t you be able to buy want you want? Some people on food stamps are on some sort of disability, and it’s not their fault.”
“I say limit it to “healthy” foods, not processed food. I know people that get $600 a month and sell half of them and buy mostly junk food. Then, they complain they have no food to eat!”
“How about some research and facts regarding those who are abusing the system and those who use food stamps properly before putting restrictive blankets over everyone in the program?”
“The system is supposed to meet needs. It’s a crutch until you get back on your feet.”
“You do realize that there are people who work two or three jobs and still qualify for food stamps, right? And that some of them are veterans and old people? And in the moment that it takes you to say something ugly about someone buying their kid a Hershey bar with food stamps, Exxon or some other profitable ‘welfare queen’ corporation has robbed you of about $6,000. Your outrage is misplaced. Personal welfare is a drop in the bucket compared to corporate welfare. Let’s just blame everything on poor people and hope we’re never one of them.”
“My first instinct was to quickly reply, it’s about time. But after giving this some thought it would be sad if a deserving family could not enjoy the good things in life, like steak and seafood. It really is very sad that the system is being abused. How about this idea, maybe hire some state employees to go shopping with these people and teach them to stop drinking two gallons of soda a day, and maybe add some fruits and vegetables instead of all that sugar? Maybe the state could even open up some stores and regulate it that way? This would create a lot of jobs and stop them from selling their food stamps, which in my opinion should have harsh penalties for the seller as well as the buyer.”
“This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. I can’t believe people are saying that some people aren’t worthy of certain food. I’m am sick to my stomach right now just thinking about how some people treat others. How sad, God help us all. Let’s put a number on our foreheads to see who is allowed to buy certain things, let’s do it by classification. If you’re number 1, you can buy steak and seafood. If you’re number 10, you are only allowed hot dogs and maybe some hamburger. The world has gone mad.”
“Yes, there are some people who get food stamps that absolutely need them, but they get punished for those that are too lazy to work! People who work have a hard time buying steaks and seafood and pop so why should people who don’t work be able to get all those things. They need to start cracking down on people selling their food stamps! Maybe start requiring monthly grocery receipts.”
“I can’t believe how many people are upset over cookies.”
“They should have a Meals on Wheels type thing. You should have no choice.”
“I hate watching a cart full of delicious steaks being purchased with food stamps. It’s just not right.”
“Tighten them as much as possible and it may be an incentive for them to “get a job.” They live much better than the average working man.”
“Leave them alone ! That makes me mad ! What is wrong with cookies for goodness ! I bet he gets something sweet when he wants it! Who does he thinks that he is ? The cookie police !”
“The program can have whatever rules it wants. Excluding non-essentials is not cruel, and nobody is going to die. Don’t like the rules, don’t apply.”