Words from the web
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is coming under fire for his proposal to raise the retirement age for Social Security. He wants to raise the retirement age by two months a year for 12 years. He also wants to use the slightly less generous Chained Consumer Price index to calculate retirees’ benefits. Christie said such measures are necessary to save Social Security. Others contend taxpayers have paid into the system for years and shouldn’t have their benefits cut in any way. Some say it would hurt the poor because they don’t live as long as the rich. What do you think? Does Christie’s proposal make sense or is he out of touch with ordinary Americans?
“It definitely would hurt the poor! Let the rich ones give up their Social Security, like the vice president.”
“This country is crumbling.”
“Why doesn’t he take a pay cut?”
“He’s a Dallas Cowboys fan which makes him a scoundrel anyway. He should cut his pay since he cares so much.”
“If anyone is out of touch with ordinary Americans, it is Hillary Clinton. She drives around in a $65,000 van with heated seats, a bed, and 29-inch TV. Come on really.”
“I don’t think he is serious about running for president. That idea makes sure that he is not even in the running. The Social Security system needs work for sure. The first thing needed to get changed is the way it is managed,including making congress quit using it as a slush fund for their reckless spending.”
“Chris Christie needs to check himself. Let him work as hard as some do and see if he could stand to have to work even longer because of jerks like him trying to tell the hard working citizens that instead of having some peaceful golden years before they die.”
“People are living longer due to advances in medicine, better nutrition, etc. I think the retirement age should be 70. I don’t buy the issue that poor people live shorter lives either.”
“How about all the money we are sending to these other nations that hate us. We should just keep it and pump it back into our nation and take care of our own first.”
“Simply raising the cap makes sense to me. Raising the retirement age for people in labor-intensive jobs does not.”
“How about we cut unnecessary funding of laziness through the welfare system and leave our working seniors alone.”
“Social Security is solvent and if our conservative neocons would stay out of promoting wars everywhere in the world, the program would be just fine. There isn’t a conflict that conservatives don’t like. And yet these war-mongers unbelievably call themselves Christians. What a joke?”
“Cut the politicians pay at least in half!”
“He’s way out of touch. The retirement age should be whenever you put 30 years in.”
“Retirement is a New Deal concept meant to move older persons out of the workforce. FDR figured that most people would never collect in this government Ponzi scheme. The Social Security age is already 67 for many of us. Why not raise it to what would be equivalent to 65 in 1935 today?”
“I was under the impression he was getting ready to run for the office of the president not the house or senate. Does he feel he’ll get the job and be able to do it with an executive order to change the retirement age? This proposal of his is to do it in 12 years, how is he getting it done if he doesn’t win?”
“Everybody wants the working man’s nickel!”