Words from the web
In his Sunday column, Herald-Standard Editorial Page Editor Mark O’Keefe questioned why Republicans are so adamant that state stores should be closed and sold to private businesses. O’Keefe said state stores are clean and well-run for the most part, with adequate supplies and steady prices. He added that the state makes about $500 million a year off the stores and there are strict safeguards making it very difficult for minors to buy alcohol. What do you think of state stores? Do you agree with O’Keefe that they’re doing a good job or do you think they’re terrible and should be eliminated asap?
“Instead of a wider variety, I think grocery stores, will carry the ‘popular’ brands and choice will probably be limited. Also an entire group of working men and women will be put will be put out of work. I don’t agree with that. The stores also provide security for keeping the liquor out of the hand of those who shouldn’t have it.”
“The stores provide good working-class jobs. It’s an example of how a service and well paying, secure jobs can be for American workers. These types of jobs exemplify the kind of jobs America once had during the 1950s and the 1960s, when America was at her zenith. Republican interests are trying to break up these kinds of jobs. They can now own and profit from selling booze. Their workers won’t be well paid or have secure jobs.
“Why do some people here in Fayette County actively help big money take good jobs away from their family members and neighbors by not backing unions? And yes there are things we can say about unions. For one, being a union member has responsibilities. As a member you are union certified. That means you know your job and will do it well. But voting Republican is like taking more money out of your pocket and giving it to the rich guy on Wall Street because you think he’s earned it more than you.’
“I completely agree. Don’t try to fix what isn’t broken.”
“I’ve always received good service from knowledgeable clerks at Pennsylvania’s state stores. I can’t say the same about independently owned stores that I’ve been to outside of Pennsylvania.”
“This battle is not about ideology, as Republicans want you to believe. It’s about money. These stores are highly profitable and after expenses (including providing 5,000 family-sustaining jobs to Pennsylvanians), transfer over a half billion dollars a year into the general fund of the Commonwealth each year. Privateers want that money for themselves. To privatize the liquor stores is nothing less than theft from the taxpayers.”
“Turn your eyes to modernization legislation that would not only make the stores even more profitable, but would also give the consumers more of the convenience they say they want by expanding hours/days of operation and by locating liquor stores within or adjacent to grocery stores. It makes no sense to get rid of something that brings in money.”
“Leave it alone. Making that kind of money foe the state is awesome.”
“Privatizing it will just send the system down to the Dark Side. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”