Come to meetings
“A picture is worth a thousand words,” is a familiar saying.
Your attendance at a Fayette County commissioners’ meeting is worth a hundred times more than any of the accounts of said meeting that you might read in the newspapers.
To be an informed voter, we need to know the issues facing the county, and we need to know how the various candidates would solve the problems facing the county.
The last three years, our county government has been a disaster. The secrets, back-room deals, the withholding of information from their fellow commissioners, etc. has done nothing but create havoc in the county. We now have two commissioners who rarely report to work. They appear at commissioner meetings once a month, but are not prepared to do their job. If not for Commissioner Zimmerlink, I shudder to think what shape this county would be in. She is the only commissioner we have who works at her job.
Make an effort to attend at least one meeting between now and November. It will be time well spent and you will learn a lot about what goes on in the county. I guarantee you will be surprised by what you learn and you will be a more informed voter.
The meetings are the third Tuesday of the month at the Public Safety Building at 10 a.m. See you there.
Jerrie T. Mazza