
Words from the web

3 min read

Well, amid much hoopla and high expectations, the first Republican presidential debate was Thursday night in Cleveland? What did you think of the event? Which candidates did you think fared well and which didn’t do so well? Did it change your mind at all about any of the candidates?

“I think Kasich did well. He just might be the surprise winner of the nomination. I also like Cruz once they get into a traditional debate format.”

“None of them surprised or impressed me. It was obvious that the whole debate was rigged for most of the candidates, except for Trump. They never once mentioned the real issues facing most of this country, but yet they want people to vote for them. I think not.”

“I did not like the way Megyn Kelly treated Donald Trump. I like him, and he has my vote.”

“You better not ask Trump real questions about his misogynistic attitude towards women.”

“You do know Bernie Sanders is a Socialist?”

“Are you only able to parrot what you’ve heard on Fox News? Actually go to his site and look up his platform.”

“Maybe you should try Google and facts.”

“I held my nose and turned on Fox ‘news.’ Neither Kasich nor Cruz wore flag pins, which I thought conservatives would find unforgivable (like when Obama didn’t wear one). Maybe they had on their Superman underwear instead. Trump was entertaining, and the others sounded like the well-rehearsed, polished politicians that they are. Ugh.”

“It was hilarious. People with no answers. No plans. Empty suits. This is the best you got?”

“It was very sad that FOX was seeking to ‘cull the herd’ of candidates, instead of letting the people do it. The pre-debate debate, in front of an empty audience was surreal. It is not up to the media to crush the candidates of the second-tier, nine months out of the primary election. Aside from that, Donald Trump was in command, but may suffer if women voters take the cue of moderator, Megyn Kelly, who used comments from a Reality TV Show to play ‘gotcha.’ Trump will not suffer in the polls from this performance. The big losers were Jeb Bush and Rand Paul. The big winners were John Kasich and Marco Rubio. Ohio and Florida are the two most important battleground states in 2016. Anyone who can win both will end up as our next president.

“There are so many very qualified and strong candidates to pick from on the GOP side. I can’t wait for the election.”

“I would in an instant vote for Carly Fiorina for president. I liked Marco Rubio too. But Carly was more of what I am looking for in a president. She is not political, having never served as a senator or congress person.”

And, she tells it like it is with grace and sophistication.”


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