Videos disgusting
Most recently, the media has repeatedly called our attention to the killing of a famous lion in Africa, of course wanting our sympathies. A lion, an elephant, a cat, these are all animals; thus lower creatures. Never should they be mistreated, yet never treated as the best of creation, namely, human persons.
However, the contents of videos, now the fourth, from within Barton clinics, innocent, pre-born aborted babies are mutilated, cut up for body parts or organs to be sold for profit. Media outrage is limited, yet the horror is widespread by millions across this nation, especially by people who did not realize that 3,800 to 4,000 abortions are done daily with most by Planned Parenthood. This organization receives hard-earned taxpayer dollars under the gise of “health.” Young people who learn athletics require plays and music for chorus and solos, second languages and hard study for SATS, know moral evil and can be and should be guided by highest moral standards.
While I participated in the annual D.C. March for Life with over 600,000, mostly high school and college students, we all chanted and cried out for respect for life – all life beginning at conception. The horror and callousness shown in the four videos are so degrading and heart breaking and I must say, just have to stop. Killing of pre-born and selling of cut up baby parts for profit must stop. We are a nation of and for life, and all, especially responsible adults, must raise the conscience level of all for a pro-life America.
The Rev. Joseph L. Sredzinski