
School taxes keep going up

By Jerry Glover 3 min read

Well, I guess you have all received your tax bill for the year. When I received mine, it totally floored me. How can these few people get away with what they are doing? The last time the Brownsville Area School Board raised my taxes, it was a hefty $458 in one shot and now they want another approximately $150 more. It takes almost three months of my miner’s pension checks to pay all of the taxes for the year now.

My school tax alone is well over $2,000. I am going to speak to the senior citizens and those on fixed incomes now. First, you have to realize these people don’t care about you and how much this increase hurts you. In fact they would rather see us sell our homes and move to public housing or go live with our children. You see, they don’t want people on fixed incomes in their communities. They forget we built their community. People on fixed incomes only have so much money. When it’s gone, that’s all they can get. If they get younger families in our homes, they can keep on with their tax and spend policies. The sky is the limit.

But they miscalculated us on one point. We do have a way to change this. In Harrisburg they are trying to change the taxing structure right now, and we must be involved. Our very livelihood is at stake. There is no waiting on tomorrow. These people are not going to stop. Listed below are the addresses and phone numbers of our representatives in Harrisburg and also the address and phone number of our U.S. Senator who may have some influence on some of his colleagues in the state capitol. Call them. Let them know how much you need this change if you are to survive. Write them a letter explaining how much this is hurting you and your family.

Please stress the point that you want the Republican plan, not Gov. Wolf’s plan. His plan is nothing more than smoke and mirrors like former Gov. Rendell’s plan with the gambling. if you want to know where the money from his plan went, check it out on the computer. I can tell you one thing. It didn’t do away with the property tax. I got a hefty $250 from that plan and guess who just took it, our local school board. This is the same thing Wolf is trying to do. Don’t settle for any less than total elimination of the property tax, 100 percent. If we don’t succeed on this, I will see you in the county high-rise. I hope.

Jerry Glover is a resident of Brownsville.


nState Rep. Pam Snyder, 112 Irvis Office Building, P.O. Box 20205, Harrisburg, Pa., 17120-2050. Phone number, 1-717-783-3797.

nState Sen. Patrick Stefano, Senate box 203031, Room 183, Main Capitol Harrisurg, Pa., 17120-3032. Phone number, 1-717-787-7175.

nU.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, 2268 Rayburn HOB, Washington, D.C., 20515. Room 183 Main Capitol 2268 Rayburn HOB. Phone number, 202-225-2431.


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