Words from the web
A number of Republican presidential candidates are pushing for changes in Social Security. Jeb Bush, Scott Walker and Rand Paul want the retirement age pushed back to 70, while Ted Cruz wants it privatized. What do you think? Should the retirement age for Social Security be pushed back to 70? Should it be privatized? Are there any other changes you’d like to see or do think it’s working fine and shouldn’t be changed?
“Give all that tax money to Wall Street? How could that possibly go wrong. Stocks always go up and, we never see a loss, right?
“And the government has taken such good care of it. Note the sarcasm.”
“The problem is not the system. The people who ran it, destroyed it. And now they want to give your money to their friends to play with. Good luck with that.”
“What will be amazing will be the number of recipients of Social Security who vote Republican!”
“And then deny it.”
“I think people should wake up and vote for representatives who have your best interest in mind. Stop putting rich people in a position to take from you and work you till the day you die.”
“Yes, as people are living longer, healthier lives, the age should be raised. But there wouldn’t be a shortage if the Democrats didn’t “borrow” from SS. American workers have to pay into it, there is no option. I could do a better job investing the money I have to pay into SS than the government will ever return to me. Sadly, I will probably never see any of the money I have paid thanks to a Democrat, FDR!”
“Every president since 1935 has borrowed from Social Security. George W. Bush borrowed $708 billion when he was president.”
“Instead of being a proud day for America, April 20, 1983, has become a day of shame. The Social Security Amendments of 1983 laid the foundation for 30-years of federal embezzlement of Social Security money in order to use the money to pay for wars, tax cuts and other government programs. The payroll tax hike of 1983 generated a total of $2.7 trillion in surplus Social Security revenue. This surplus revenue was supposed to be saved and invested in marketable U.S. Treasury bonds that would be held in the trust fund until the baby boomers began to retire in about 2010. But not one dime of that money ever went to Social Security.”
“Don’t blame Democrats. If it wasn’t for them, we never would have had Social Security in the first place. Imagine a place like Fayette County without Social Security. People would be dying in the streets if it wasn’t for Social Security.”
“Pushing back SS age even further would destroy what is left of our job market. Too many people in their late 20s and 30s are still struggling to find decent jobs because the retirement age workers are still either hanging on or can’t afford to retire, and are occupying many high-end jobs, making it so that rising talent, and the next generation just can’t seem to get ahead.”
“Euthanize all people over 65. Don’t get all upset. I’m just joking.”